Monday 24 September 2012

After one week of seeing my Tree Top kids, I have many areas I need to expand on! I have may things to do!
1- build up my library-always room for more books!:) All levels of reading, all interests...never know what a child will be interested in! ***Always accepting book donations:)  Would love more then one copy of books for book study:)
2- work on increasing my reading based interactive games for  home programming. I spent years making file folder games for my work in the schools, but they were given away mistakingly! I have to re-build my grab and go games. The up-side to that is I can make them specifically for my kids needs:)
3- book study outlines- I am planning on reading a book with each child I tutor. We will read and study it together. I am reading Charlottes Web and Hunger Games...and everything in between:)

QUESTION--- If a child has a hard time reading, is it fair to make them wait till they can read at a certain level before they read these popular books on their own? OR do you work with them so they can read what their friends are reading now? 
I think it motivates them to read more once they have read a great book,  or have a great book read to them. READ it with them. READ it to them. Give the characters a voice, a personality. Get your child excited about the book and where it is taking them:)
Can't wait to re-read the HUNGER GAMES:) LOTS OF WORK TO DO!

Monday 3 September 2012

This has been a great summer for TREETOP LEARNING:)  Summer camps were busy! The kids who came had some laughs, got to meet some new friends and learned something new. 
I am getting ready for my Fall session.  I will update this blog shortly with sessions I plan on doing over the next few months!  I am booked for one on one and small group weekly sessions; however, I am planning on running some short sessions for those interested.  These sessions will focus mainly on the following skills: reading comprehension, auditory memory and writing output.  These are common areas of weakness for many students.  Keep posted for updates and dates soon!!!:)

Thursday 31 May 2012

Here is the plan for summer! Please contact me if you are interested:) Camps will be set up in small groups of no more then 4 children.  Camps will be fast paced, interactive and mainly focused on the following areas: reading comprehension, writing content and organization, spelling and reading. 

DATES: July 10-12
July 17-19
July 24-26
July 31-August 2
August 14-16
August 21-23

Group #1- 10am-12- Grades 2-4
Group #2-   1-3pm-   Grades 5-8

*No more than 4 children per group
*Each session is 2 hours of instruction per day/3 consecutive days

The camp price will be like getting 2 hours free each session booked at $140 per session.

Please message or text me if you are interested in this camp.

Thursday 10 May 2012

I just came back from a training session for LINDAMOOD BELL- Visualizing and Verbalizing course. I have taken the LIPS program and the SEEING STARS program as well. These programs have the potential to change a child's future! I have worked with these programs for years and have seen what they can do. The V/V course teaches kids to make pictures about what they are reading. They are able to hold onto information easier if they can picture it- makes sense right:)  Many kids do not do this automatically. Once they know how to make pictures about information they are reading/hearing read to them, they are able to remember it in a way that it makes sense to them. They are also able to write with more detail and describtion; which is what teachers are looking for. Their memory will increase along with their vocabulary, writing skills, spelling skills and most importantly their confidence!:)  I am seeing improvements with all my clients and, more importantly, I am seeing more smiles, more confidence and a desire to read!!!!:) 

Saturday 14 April 2012

I am organizing some ideas for summer camps. I need some input from parents, teachers and kids. I am planning on a boys book club, a camp with a focus on reading comprehension and writing (sounds boring but actually will be fast paced in interesting content:).  The focus for most camps will inclue reading, reading comprehension, spelling and writing content (organizing information and increasing descriptive vocabulary).  These seem to be areas that most children I work with now, and many I have talked to, are needed focus on.
If there are other areas of needs, or other ideas, please let me know:)
I will have a lay out of camps available soon! The more I hear from, the easier it will be to organize:)

Wednesday 21 March 2012

I have heard from several people following my recent article in the Petrolia Topic.  Most I have heard have similar stories....they have a son, between ages of 8-10, reading and math are concerns.  There has been a large concern growing over the past several years regarding boys and their learning patterns.

Statisically; boys are falling behind.  The reasons for this have been studied by many and will vary depending on what that person is looking at specifically. One main reason that keeps coming up is, the world is becoming more visual and boys are not. Things that were taught in grade 1 years ago, are now being taught in JK/SK.  Boys brains are not always developed enough to absorb information being taught.  The need for all students to build a strong foundation of literacy and reading is crucial in the primary years. Studies have shown that a child who does not read at grade level by grade 3, has a 1/5 chance of ever reading at grade level.

Math also suffers. The reason being, math has become more about language. There are more word problems, as well as following written and verbal directions.  This same langauge is hard for boys to decode and organize. As they improve with reading, spelling, reading comprehension; math should improve as well.  Although I have no direct training in working on math, the focus on reading/reading comprehension is the place to start.

There is a great book regarding this topic called "Why Boys Fail" by Richard Whitmore.

Another book that is inspiring for teachers, parents and educators of all kinds is "There Are No Shortcuts" by Rafe Esquith. Rafe is an award winning teacher, teaching in a high needs school in the States.

I hope to hear from more of you soon. Enjoy the beautiful weather!!:)

Thursday 15 March 2012

I have 4 clients and they are all progressing well! It is so exciting for me to see a child 'get it' for the first time, whether it's reading, spelling or reading comprehension. There are so many kids who have been taught the same information, over and over again, in the same way, for years at a time, and it hasn't worked. This is a new technique, a new approach and a new chance for kids to learn! Message me if you are interested.

Question: Would parents like an information night or to message me individually with their questions?

Wednesday 22 February 2012

One on one

I have talked to a number of parents in the area and am hearing the need for one on one intervention (speech and language therapy, focus on reading/spelling, reading comprehension, etc.). I would like to focus on this part of the business, before doing book clubs I previously mentioned.

I have worked as a CDA (Communicative Disorders Assistant) in the school board for 16 years. I have specialized training with various programs including, Lindamood Bell (LiPS, Seeing Stars, and soon Visualizing and Verbalizing), as well as attended workshops for PECS, Writing Without Tears and Boardmaker programs, to name a few.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I am just starting this business and look forward to hearing from you to ensure I am meeting the needs of the parents and children in this area.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Let's talk!:)

This is a new business that will focus on one on one reading intervention, as well as spelling, reading comprehension, auditory memory and speech and language concerns. I will be running various book clubs for children as well. These book clubs take place in a high interest, interactive and fast paced environment.

I am trained in a program that gives the child a new way to attack reading. Please feel free to browse this website to learn more. This program is ideal for children who may need a new way of learning. 

I will post a book club outline soon. The first one I plan on having will be directed towards grade 7/8 boys. Boys who do not like to read..... I want YOU!:)

My plan is to run book clubs will as follows: 4 sessions, 2 hours each, 1 theme per session.

#1 theme/session- 'No Books Allowed'- will focus on literacy activites, and discuss what it is they may not like about books.  Looking at literacy differently. It will be active, interactive and an open learning environment.

#2- Lyrically Speaking- will focus on music lyrics...that is actually poetry! Shhh, don't tell them that! We will discuss various lyrics, rhyme, vocabulary used (don't worry- this is G rated:). 

I have lots of ideas- the when/where/how often will depend on you.

Let me know what you are thinking!:)