Wednesday 21 March 2012

I have heard from several people following my recent article in the Petrolia Topic.  Most I have heard have similar stories....they have a son, between ages of 8-10, reading and math are concerns.  There has been a large concern growing over the past several years regarding boys and their learning patterns.

Statisically; boys are falling behind.  The reasons for this have been studied by many and will vary depending on what that person is looking at specifically. One main reason that keeps coming up is, the world is becoming more visual and boys are not. Things that were taught in grade 1 years ago, are now being taught in JK/SK.  Boys brains are not always developed enough to absorb information being taught.  The need for all students to build a strong foundation of literacy and reading is crucial in the primary years. Studies have shown that a child who does not read at grade level by grade 3, has a 1/5 chance of ever reading at grade level.

Math also suffers. The reason being, math has become more about language. There are more word problems, as well as following written and verbal directions.  This same langauge is hard for boys to decode and organize. As they improve with reading, spelling, reading comprehension; math should improve as well.  Although I have no direct training in working on math, the focus on reading/reading comprehension is the place to start.

There is a great book regarding this topic called "Why Boys Fail" by Richard Whitmore.

Another book that is inspiring for teachers, parents and educators of all kinds is "There Are No Shortcuts" by Rafe Esquith. Rafe is an award winning teacher, teaching in a high needs school in the States.

I hope to hear from more of you soon. Enjoy the beautiful weather!!:)

Thursday 15 March 2012

I have 4 clients and they are all progressing well! It is so exciting for me to see a child 'get it' for the first time, whether it's reading, spelling or reading comprehension. There are so many kids who have been taught the same information, over and over again, in the same way, for years at a time, and it hasn't worked. This is a new technique, a new approach and a new chance for kids to learn! Message me if you are interested.

Question: Would parents like an information night or to message me individually with their questions?