Wednesday 30 January 2013

TREE TOP LEARNING SHORT COURSE- starting February 11- ending March 4th.
"SNOW TRACKS" course: Students will study DOG SLEDDING that will focus on the following concepts: reading, reading comprehension, spelling, math concepts and vocabulary. High interest, highly interactive sessions will be 2 hours each and run 4-6pm on Monday, Feb. 11, Friday the 15th, Monday the 18th, Monday the 25th, Friday March 1st, and Monday March 4th for the final day. Total cost for 12 hour course is $150.
Please contact is interested via message, email OR text me at 328-5106.

Thursday 3 January 2013


TREE TOP LEARNING will be running 'short courses' this year!
The first one will be for grades 4-8.  It will be excellent for students who could use support with reading and reading comprehension, as well as spelling and written work.
                      We will be studying the book "Bridge to Terabithia", by Katherine Paterson.
It will run as follows: 2 hour sessions, 4 weeks in a row, cost $100. 
During these 8 hours of study, the students will focus on reading, reading comprehension, writing, spelling, auditory memory, answering questions and discussing the story. 
                         This short course has 2 student signed up, with room for 2 more!
Short course starts this Monday, January 7th, from 4-6 pm.  It will be offered in the Petrolia area.
             This is the first of many 'short courses' to come. Please keep checking this blog for updates, as well as the TREE TOP facebook page.
                                         The next short course will focus on math and reading!
Please text OR call Melissa at 328-5106 if interested.