Monday 4 November 2013

READ TO FEED"READ TO FEED"- Tree Top Learning begins a new campaign today. Sponsor a student a can/food item OR money that will support the Petrolia Food Bank. Each of my students will be tracking the number of pages, chapters and books they read over the next 6 weeks. Each of my 17 students will be asking for sponsors that will support their reading by pledging to give to the Petrolia Food Bank (food items OR money) for every page/chapter or book they read. The more my students read; the more people they will feed!:) PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING US ON THIS CAMPAIGN!!!:) Share how many books you are reading and how many cans/food items you collect for The Petrolia Food Bank. If you live in another community, read to feed for your local food bank. PLEASE TAKE PART and keep us all posted on this page!!

1 comment:

  1. keep me posted on my facebook page too! Let us know what you are all reading?? and how many food items you have sponsored:)
